It’s normal to have questions about your orthodontic care, and we’re always happy to answer them! If your question isn’t answered below, don’t hesitate to contact us for further assistance.

Children should be seen by an orthodontic specialist by age seven. At this age, Dr. Henry can see your child’s developmental progress and ensure that they are on the right track for a healthy smile.

Dr. Henry and our team will help you feel at home while we take photographs and x-rays. We will learn more about your oral health and help you design a treatment plan that meets your needs. 

The cost of traditional braces or Invisalign varies widely based on your exact needs and your insurance. We may be able to provide you with financing options to accommodate your budget. We are happy to answer all of your questions about finances after your first examination.

Some sticky, hard, and chewy foods should be eliminated from your diet while you wear traditional braces. Invisalign patients do not usually need to alter their diets, because they will remove their orthodontics before eating.

Dentists specialize in basic cleanings and restorations. If you would like to ask about crooked teeth, jaw pain, or a poor bite, you need to see an orthodontic specialist. An orthodontist helps patients achieve healthier, more functional, and more beautiful smiles.

The average wear time for traditional braces is 18-24 months. Invisalign wear time averages closer to one year. Your time in braces will completely depend on your unique smile.

Whether you need traditional braces or Invisalign, we will ensure that your experience is as comfortable as possible. You may notice some soreness as your teeth shift, but we can help you find solutions so that you can feel great while you improve your smile.

You should brush your teeth several times each day. If possible, brush your teeth in the morning, after each meal, and before bedtime. The cleaner you keep your braces, the better your results will be!

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